4 Tips to Diversify Your Blog Content Marketing and Increase Blog Traffic

The need for consistent blog content is crystal clear. Content, often taking the shape of a marketing blog, gives you the opportunity of collecting leads and driving conversion. In addition, it allows you to position yourself as an opinion leader within your niche audience. Not only that, but your blog traffic partially depends on how consistently you are putting up content. However, the expectation to constantly come up with new blog topics and content marketing can be difficult for companies to fulfil. Especially when each piece carries the pressure of being the ultimate original masterpiece.
But what constitutes “great content” has never been more open to interpretation. An Aberdeen study showed that year-over-year growth in unique site traffic is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders compared to followers. This makes a strong case for developing a solid content marketing strategy. And while finding those perfect blog topics may seem like content marketing’s holy grail, the more you write, the more you need to scramble for new blog topics.
The Importance of Blog Content
Take a moment to connect with the reasons your users may find your blog interesting. Blogs are more than just an excuse to help your website rank better on Google searches. They offer you the opportunity to reach out to your readers in a less sales-oriented environment. There may not be an immediate monetary reward for your company after someone reads your blog, but content marketing is a long-term strategy. By creating useful, rich content, you have a chance to:
- Educate visitors and provide valuable information to your readers.
- Tell your brand’s story, who you are, and connect with your readers on a more authentic level. By showing what you care about.
- Motivate an audience to act by arguing for or against something—whether this means clicking, sharing, or buying.
To change up your blog content, all you need is a different approach to content marketing. One that is tailored to today’s modern readers. Here are three tips you can follow to start diversifying your blog content and tapping into new blog topics to keep your audience engaged.
Tips to Diversify Blog Content and Increase Blog Traffic
1. Focus on New Formats, Not Just Blog Posts
There are two obvious benefits to changing the format of your content. First, changing formats and not just blog topics allows you to engage with a wider audience that may be interested in what you have to say and not how you were saying it. For example, the power of videos today cannot be understated. They are easier to share on social media. Also, they are great to keep an audience with a shorter attention span engaged.
The second benefit of experimenting with new formats is that it allows you to repurpose your research. You can create brand blog content without having to invest so much time into investigating said specific blog topics. Some content marketing formats include:
- e-Books
- Infographics
- Newsletters
- Social media posts
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Case Studies
So, worry less about having the “perfect” post and instead keep your readers in mind. This will allow you to stay attuned to how they may be interested in accessing what you have to say.
#OptimationalTip: Do not just think about the blog topics—think about your content’s format! Leveraging different formats will help you repurpose your research and connect with wider audiences.
2. Incorporate Guest Blogging into Your Content Marketing Strategy
For a long time, guest blogging has been a great way to increase blog traffic and diversify blog content. The best thing about having guest bloggers participate on your website is that companies, bloggers, and readers alike stand to benefit too:
- The blogger gets a chance to reach a new audience. Also, to create content that helps them continue gaining experience and growing their portfolio.
- Your company gets a chance to diversify its blog topics by bringing new voices into the fold, and more exposure to potential readers that may follow that blogger.
- Your readers get access to new voices, new research, and new information, which benefits them and your blog.
Having a successful guest blogging strategy takes time and effort. But the benefits in terms of blog topics, blog content diversification, and content marketing strategy development are huge. While it may require a commitment of your time, they also serve as the ultimate networking and link-building opportunity for bloggers looking to grow.
#OptimationalTip: Guest bloggers are a great way to add new voices to your blog content. Also, to widen the reach of your posts.
3. Find Out What Questions Users Are Asking
After writing one blog or twenty, it may seem like there is nothing else to write about. However, the truth is that there is no shortage of engaging blog content. Bog topics abound if you know how to look for them. Rather than working harder to look and discover interesting content to engage your readers, work smarter and have compelling content come to you. But how? By asking questions, of course.
Instead of choosing blog topics and deciding to write about them, try to understand what questions users are asking. Forums, such as Quora, and social media are great starting points when it comes to user research. When it comes to blog content, the goal is to be read. So naturally, your users will be the ones that hold the ultimate answer in terms of what to write about. If you manage to discover what truly bothers your audience and what they have, you will have found the key to a great content marketing strategy.
#OptimationalTip: Instead of researching topics, research your users. Find out what questions they have what they want to read about.
4. Consider Blog Translation to Power Your Marketing Strategy
Having a multilingual blog can really make a difference when it comes to increasing traffic and engagement. Especially if you have incorporated SEO as part of your content strategy. International SEO markets are still not very much exploited, which means the chances of succeeding abroad are quite high.
To truly help drive this message home, the content you are putting out needs to speak to your audience. In terms of content and in terms of language too. It’s important that content is presented in their native language and localised to match their cultural context. To avoid costly translation mistakes, teaming up with the right translation partner to do this can make all the difference.
#OptimationalTip: Consider blog translation as part of your content strategy to reach out to wider audiences and increase your traffic. And if your blog strategy includes SEO, power your blog translation with multilingual SEO.
Final Thoughts on Content Marketing
Content marketing works because you are not just attracting visitors to your site and leaving them alone to hopefully buy something. Instead, you are sending a clear message that you are attuned to their needs and ready to help them solve their problems.
If you are considering making your blog content available in new languages, contact us today.