¿Cómo puede ayudar la traducción de contenido sobre criptomonedas a romper las barreras lingüísticas?

The year 2020 marked the beginning of several changes in everyday life. One of them relates to the way we carry out financial transactions. With the broadening of e-commerce services, online payments became more frequent. And, as a result, the use of cryptocurrency gained popularity. But language is still an undeniable barrier that prevents investors, companies, and users from entering the crypto world. Therefore, cryptocurrency content translation has gained importance these days: it helps break down language barriers and facilitates audience engagement.
Why Should We Say Yes to Cryptocurrency?
There is a growing number of modern payment alternatives aiming to provide users with more comfort, freedom, and security. For example, some of these options include bank transfers, virtual wallets, and credit cards—which have been available for quite some time. And while many people use these options, cryptocurrency payment is gaining more and more acceptance.
Why is it convenient to pay with crypto when it is possible to use other online payment methods more familiar to end-users?
Below, we highlight the main reasons.
- The transaction is almost immediate. It only takes seconds. Unlike a bank transfer, which can take up to a few days.
- It operates in an unregulated market. Why is this an advantage? Because paying with cryptocurrency does not require prior authorisation—which is sometimes the case when using credit cards.
- The payment process is simple. Thus, there is no need to fill out lengthy online forms or provide tons of data. If you have ever paid online, you know what we mean.
- Transactions are secure and reliable. By using blockchain technology, all operations are stored in a chain linked to the previous and the subsequent transactions. This allows traceability in case of a problem.
#OptimationalTip: Companies that offer cryptocurrency payments have a major strategic advantage: They are visionary and know how to anticipate their customers’ circumstances and preferences.
Why Is It Challenging to Understand the Crypto Market?
So far, we have mentioned only the advantages and benefits of cryptocurrencies. So, why are there still hesitant people in this new scenario?
The answer might surprise you: Lack of knowledge. People will not use a service if they do not know how to use it. Likewise, it is unlikely that anyone will put their trust, earnings, payments, and investments in a process they do not fully understand.
1. Complex Terminology
The world of cryptocurrency uses technical jargon that is difficult to understand for average individuals, who may never have heard the word «blockchain» in their lives.
2. Language Barrier
Most of the content on crypto operations is in English. Although we can find some cryptocurrency content translations, they are sometimes unclear. We know English is the most globalised language, but it is still a challenge for those who are unfamiliar with it or might feel more confident having the relevant information in their native tongue.
#OptimationalTip: Among the top 10 countries using crypto, most of them are non-English speakers. This shows a clear opportunity for the market. In other words, the outreach could be greater if the information is localised appropriately.
Cryptocurrency Content Translation: A Necessary Opportunity
Cryptocurrency Content translation helps to widen the adoption of cryptocurrency. While website content can be rendered with machine translation software, the quality of such translations is often unsatisfactory—which is crucial if we want to be trustworthy.
What image could a company portray if it has translation mistakes or is inconsistent? In the world of finance, the consequences could be harsh. This could lead to lower engagement and user disappointment—due to a lack of understanding.
Hence, not only cryptocurrency content translation is a real need, but crypto translation also represents an opportunity for expansion. To carry it out effectively, it is a must to work with professional crypto language translators, who can ensure the intelligibility of the information.
#OptimationalTip: Working with crypto language translators who have business and marketing knowledge as well as a solid understanding of the crypto market is a competitive advantage to strengthen your company’s position.
What Cryptocurrency Content Can Be Translated?
- Websites and Apps. We all want to use websites and apps that are simple and clear. If language becomes a struggle, users will choose to look elsewhere for what they need.
- Financial Reports. Providing all stakeholders with understandable and accurate information about their finances is an added value.
- White Papers. This is a priority for those looking for investors to launch a new coin, app, or service. If the information on ICO white papers is only available in English, it reduces the number of investors that you can reach.
#OptimationalTip: When considering crypto language translators to localise your content, we recommend you choose a team with experience in SEO to reach as many customers as possible.
Final Thoughts on Cryptocurrency Content Translation
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has brought many hardships but also new opportunities. Consequently, the cryptocurrency market is moving faster than ever, reaching more places, and gaining new followers. A multilingual marketing strategy is key for companies to broaden their horizons in this complex context.
In every crisis, there is an opportunity. It is important to seize the moment to act and make a difference.
If you are thinking about making your content available in new languages, contact us today to see how we can help.