What Translation Strategies Are Top Video Streaming Platforms Using?

This is the era of video streaming platforms. We cannot deny the importance they have gained over the last few years since we allowed them into our homes. Whether you use Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, or HBO Max—to name the top 5—you agree that the key to their success has been adapting to local markets and providing variety. Now, let us examine what the streaming platforms are doing to reach the global market and their translation strategies to provide an experience that ‘feels familiar’.
Why Is It Important to Have a Translation Strategy?
Top streaming companies rely on translation as a key tool to achieve their goal of leading the international market.
Eric Pallotta, Vice President Brand for Netflix, once said: “People have very different tastes and moods. But no matter who you are or where you are, we are all only one story away from seeing, feeling and connecting more.” But to connect, we must be able to receive and empathize with the story. And that is the challenge that video streaming platforms are taking on today.
Pursue Global Presence with a Translation Strategy
Some years ago, it was common to watch film productions on TV from our home country or international ones. However, they were limited to a few places of origin. Blockbuster films were often only from the United States, and as for series, they seemed to belong to a very exclusive market of a few franchises.
The most successful strategy for video streaming platforms to achieve a solid international presence has been to display a variety of content, locations, and genres. Suddenly, not only did Hollywood have exciting stories to tell, but in every corner of the planet, there were valuable cultural elements to show to the world.
By obtaining the rights to reproduce content from major film studios (such as Warner Bros., 20th Century, etc.), streaming platforms often received subtitles and dubbing. However, the number of languages available is often limited, increasing the need for a translation strategy.
#OptimationalTip: If audiences enjoy experiencing new cultures and seeing what the storytelling is like in other latitudes, it is because they can understand and relate to it. Translation makes it possible for foreign content to be understandable while remaining novel.
Promote Local Production with a Translation Strategy
The next step on the road to global expansion was to start producing their content. In this area, Netflix is the pioneer and the company with the most original international production. However, Disney Plus is no slouch, making its content for decades, although with less international variety.
Video streaming platforms are encouraged to gain subscribers from abroad; hence, they produce films and series from Germany, Korea, France, etc. They prove that being global does not only mean showing content in English everywhere but also content produced in different countries, in their native languages.
This poses two new challenges, which can be solved with a sharp translation strategy. First, producing in-house content implies not having any translated material beforehand. Thus, starting from scratch with each project. Second, the more diverse the international staging, the more language pairs that need to be localised.
#OptimationalTip: Users expect more than simply understanding the language: they want a more familiar dialect. Gone are the films of the 80s that only had Spanish from Spain or English from the USA as alternatives.
Below, we look at some translation strategies examples that have helped streaming platforms reach new audiences.
Key Translation Strategies Used by Streaming Platforms
Strategies for Outreach and Quality Assurance
Examples of translation strategies used for audience outreach and quality assurance include:
- Provide subtitling and dubbing.
Content should be understandable in all countries where it is available. Sometimes video dubbing and subtitling are available. However, there are times when the dubbing may take longer to be ready. - Collaborate with professional subtitlers or a subtitling agency.
Working with dubbing and subtitling professionals can guarantee the quality of the work done. This is the basis for all translation strategies to be successful. - Follow style guides.
Style guides include things like length, spacing, etc. They help with consistency and uniformity. For instance, to ensure that companies release a season, companies often distribute espisodes among several translators. Subtitles and dubbing style guides help ensure high-quality consistent results. - Share scripts with translators.
Provide translators with the script of the complete content. This makes the task of content localisation more efficient. Thus, it makes it easier for audiences to understand.
Translation Strategies to Increase Engagement
Below you will find some translation strategies examples that help increase audience engagement.
- Localise the visual content of the background.
This is a new but growing trend. Video streaming platforms require the localisation of certain visible texts as part of the story. In other words, not only do subtitles help but the visuals are also adapted. - Interact through a social media marketing strategy.
Not everything ends with the movies. It is essential to remain connected with their audiences and speak in a user-friendly language to keep them engaged. - Personalise each user by communicating suggestions of their interest—based on their viewing experience.
This is a valuable resource for building a long-lasting relationship with their users.
#OptimationalTip: It is advisable to rely on a team of professionals to translate lengthy content fast. As a result, they can segment the pieces for translation. After, an editor and a proofreader will make sure that the result has coherence and fluency.
Final Thoughts: ‘Go Global, Act Local’ with a Translation Strategy
In conclusion, top streaming companies have something in common: they saw global expansion as an opportunity for sustained growth. What is more, they understood that the future of entertainment is to provide variety with a local flavour. The translation strategies they adopted also share a common thread: they all want to reach local markets by providing quality services.
To value all the artistic aspects of film production, it must be intelligible. Language and words shape our perception, and this is no exception. If you are thinking about making your video content available in new languages or taking advantage of multilingual streaming benefits, contact us today to see how our video and film translation services can help.