How to Upscale Your Content With Translation Services for Marketing

This is not the first time we talk about translation services for marketing, and for sure, it is not going to be the last. The truth is that far from repeating ourselves, there is always something else worth saying on the matter. Or, it is still possible to analyse it under the microscope to find aspects that were there, as yet unnoticed.
To say that people’s buying behaviour has changed is no longer news. Nor is this attributable to a pandemic, although it did help to accelerate the process of adopting digitalisation more evenly. What is certain is that we now account for roughly 5.07 billion global internet users—that is, 63.5 per cent of the total population!
And, as if that was not enough, this number is only increasing. This sums up two facts: It is time to ride the wave, and you need to make a difference in a market that is also increasingly competitive.
But fear not, our purpose here is not to freak you out but to equip you with some tools to unlock the potential of having a business online presence with a global reach. Let us dive in.
What Scaling Content Is and How Translation Services for Marketing Match That Purpose
I have a memory that you may relate to. Like it happened to many other people, during my childhood, the word internet was almost a sci-fi concept, like watching a Star Wars film. Which is why, at home, “going shopping” was just that: Going.
Today, on the flip side, when I think about buying something, the first thing I do is look for the product on my mobile. This gives me an idea of the average price. Also, I find answers to doubts (that I did not even know I was going to have) just by reading about functionalities, features, reviews, and more. And most interestingly, it allows me to see my purchasing options by looking at different websites.
But this is not the end of the story; I often find myself in a scenario where buying from a foreign site may be more convenient than a local one or, in fact, the only alternative.
What does this have to do with a global marketing strategy? Nothing, if we think about it directly. And everything, if we sharpen our sight.
Following my story, I now know reliable global marketplaces—since I have already experienced shopping with them, with a successful result. But also, and more importantly, two things happened to help me make the purchase decision: I found those sites, and they provided me with all the information I needed.
Both of these things could only happen thanks to a team of expert marketing professionals that worked behind the scenes following a business plan. And besides, because of an effective SEO translation and localisation strategy that provided me with the content I was looking for, right in front of my eyes and in my own language. Almost as if served on a silver platter.
About Scaling Up Content
It is needless to say that content marketing is one of the most important, if not the most beneficial practice to build a global brand; that is, to give local and international visibility to your business and improve your site’s SEO. But there is another aspect that not everyone tells you: It is not about constantly posting new content and stacking up resources just for the sake of it.
What you decide to publish should be relevant and timely. And it is often better to spend more time on strategic planning rather than just writing non-stop and pointlessly. This planning will enable you to scale your content and revalue it over time.
To get it up the ladder, you can (and should) consider translating it into languages that your new target audience speaks, as well as making it replicable and shareable through other communication channels.
#OptimationalTip: Relying on uploading content with little planning or only posting topical (and rarely evergreen) articles can attract traffic, yes. But it can also drive bounce rates through the roof. Keep this in mind if you want to create a strong business online presence.
Now let us move on to a handy list of tips to make your content not just digital words and visuals but one of your main assets—with global potential.
Level Up: Tips for Making Content Scalable
Below is a list of some actionable tips. Still, we recommend you to read the key steps for a successful and multilingual marketing strategy to get the full picture.
#1 Plan for the Future
The worst strategy is no strategy at all. While it is understandable that in the beginning you may be testing the waters and want to take it easy, this does not mean that planning has to be a non-existent activity—or a luxury that you can afford later on.
The same goes for the SEO translation and localisation stage. The optimisation is like an ant’s work and pays off in the medium to long term. But for it to bear fruit, steps must be organised, and progress, measurable.
You can start a gradual scale-up process, which is actually the best way to collect data and make informed decisions. For example, you could rely on translation services for marketing to localise content only to one region (or one language.) Meanwhile, you set a timeframe to later monitor the results and from there decide what you want to do next.
#2 Do Multilingual and Localised Research
In your marketing strategy, you surely include a stage of market intelligence and research to understand users’ needs, right? Well, this tip aims to take this technique to the next level.
In order to scale your content globally, you need to first identify the languages spoken in your new markets and, specifically, which variants. This way, when translating your blogs, videos, etc., you do it in a way that resonates with the new audience.
But there is one more thing: bear in mind that there are regions in which there is more than one official language. And even unofficial languages with thousands of speakers on the ground. So gather data and decide into which languages you will translate (and when.) Also, will you opt for a more neutral variant of a language, or will you localise for more engagement?
If you are a bit lost about your next moves, read up on how to prepare a content localisation plan; it will give you more insight into your options.
#OptimationalTip: Choosing your partner for marketing translation services can help you to integrate the localisation step as part of a holistic plan. If you leave that as “something to deal with later”, it may result in a messier and more resource-constrained process.
#3 Use Feedback From Current Users to Plan Ahead
Do you like to walk on safe ground? Then before you venture into content translation, get feedback from your current users and buyers! This can give you interesting insights into what content they found most interesting (so you can start from there and see your translation ROI faster.)
It can also shed some light on aspects that may need to be better localised or on necessary text adjustments (e.g. shortening lengthy materials.) Alternatively, you may want to look at those blog articles that were not so well received, perhaps because they were too technical.
Just remember that there is no global marketing strategy that works exactly the same everywhere. Also, opinion can be tied to culture and experience, so take your customers’ comments objectively and implement only as much as feasible.
#4 Consider the Different Options for Upscaling Your Content
Repeat after me: There are dozens of materials that can be scaled up and reach their full potential through translation services for marketing. Seriously, it is not all about blogs and social media posts (although they are certainly the mainstay.)
Here are some extra ideas (and techniques) that will allow you to take your brand to the top:
- Video Marketing
- Google display network
- Email campaigns
- PPC (Pay Per Click)
- AI and machine learning
- Interactive content and gamification
- Lists on directories
- Customer reviews
- App localisation
- Podcast marketing
The list could be longer, but it covers the essentials and more.
Case Examples of How Translation Services for Marketing Can Make the Difference
In case the last section has not been clear, here are some ways in which going multilingual is the perfect plan to scale your digital presence.
Case Example #1 – Directories and PPC
Do you list your company in directories? Make sure they are the local ones for your target audience. Also, translate your business information so that it is all clear what services or products you offer and what your competitive advantage is. This also applies to your PPC campaigns: If you want them to be catchy and appealing, localise them!
Case Example #2 – Video Content
With subtitles and captions, you can increase the views of your videos. In addition, you can insert keywords so that they get crawled by search engines! This is SEO translation and localisation at its best.
Case Example #3 – Reviews
Reviews are great deal, especially if they are displayed on public domains, comparison sites, or Google itself. But it is also useful if they show up on your website. So, if you have some good feedback that can help your new audiences make decisions, why not show them to the people in their own language?
Case Example #4 – Podcast
Do you have a podcast? If so, you are already one step ahead of the competition. But do you offer transcripts of its content? Well, if that is your unfinished business, make it a priority, as this can also boost your SEO.
#OptimationalTip: If you have a YouTube account and are already uploading business or marketing content, then learning about SEO for your videos is always a good idea.
It Is Time to Move up the Ladder: Find Your Linguistic Partner
Once you have put together your global marketing strategy step by step, set your SMART goals, and allocated room for translation and localisation, it is time to act. And, to make assertive decisions, the best way is to get support from a skilled team of professionals who know what they are doing and understand exactly what your business needs are.
This is the path to finding answers to your questions, solutions to your obstacles and a reliable guide who, by understanding that digital presence is a must today, can get the most out of it.
At Optimational we are passionate about multilingual content strategies and that is why we work with a global and seasoned team. If you are ready to shake off some doubts and get the full potential of your content, contact us today.